Monday, December 19, 2011

It's that time of year...again.

I (~The Bitch) have traditionally dreaded Christmas.
My family typically sucks the life out of me. I have NO relationship with my biological family. That gene pool is actually more like a cesspool. Infected with narcissistic, over-dramatic, back-biting, in-fighting assholes. They have been out of my life since I had my oldest child more than 20 years ago.
However, this year has been an exceptionally decent season. As soon as H#2 got back to work, after 3.5 years on disability, we were able to start paying down bills, and we can afford to actually go big for the kids. It's nice to be excited, instead of feeling inadequate for a change.
We are blessed.
I can only wish the same for those of you that are struggling right now. I know from reading some of your anonymous rants that times are tough. It WILL get better, beyond your wildest imagination. As my dear friend, SS TTSP says, this too shall pass.


  1. sorry i gald your happy about the good situation your in but it's not very bitchy lol

  2. I'm glad it's going to be amazing :) I personally can't wait for it to be over :)
